Volume 1 Number 1 1997
Issue Editor: Barbara Bokus
Editorial introduction (in the print version)
Grace Wales Shugar
The child's entry into the social universe of discourse
Jerzy Bobryk
Types of mental representation
Maria Przetacznik-Gierowska
and Jan Łuczyński
Representation of the economic world in Polish preschool
Maria Ligęza
Structural and functional analyses of children's narrative
Barbara Bokus
Referential space in story-telling: Findings on children's
narrative discourse
Jolanta Rytel
Logical patterns and negation in preschoolers' discourse
Ewa Haman
Can nouns and verbs grow up? Case study of word-formation
rules for denominal verbs
and deverbal nouns
Dorota Kiebzak-Mandera
The use of aspectual forms by a two-year-old Russian child